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Losing $500+ a month on fuel theft is a serious problem

If you are a busy service station and losing a significant profit in fuel theft, you can do a lot about it

  • Automatic Number Plate recognition is a powerful technology that can read the vehicle number, make, model, colour and various parameters of a moving vehicle
  • Such solutions are also capable of alerting the business staff without requiring the staff to monitor the premises
  • When combined with a huge data of repeat offenders, stolen, cancelled etc. number plates, it can do wonders with very less effort, therefore allowing console operators to focus on improvising customer experience

How do we achieve this with Drive-off-Alert?

  • Our highly experienced team designs a cost effective solution using Automatic Number Plate Recognition that can suit well for anyone losing more than $500 per month
  • System is fully integrated with a large network of fuel stations and accessible by hundreds of policemen
  • With few clicks, it allows the console operator to report drive-offs to police officer or capture failed-to-pay incidents
  • With a simple training, your staff is equipped with a powerful tool that can identify the potential offenders and alert in real-time
  • System also provide information to identify regular and new customers, therefore allowing the businesses to improve customer experience
  • Our proven system has reduced drive-offs by more than 70% for many of our clients and assisted fuel stations in recovery of more than 50%.
  • Your return-on-investment is guaranteed within 3 years